Los animatics son una herramienta muy valiosa en la previsualización y testing de spots publicitarios y otros proyectos audiovisuales. Al utilizar After Effects para crear una animación de storyboard, podemos transmitir el concepto creativo de forma clara y efectiva. Nos enfocamos en transmitir una emoción o un estado de ánimo a la audiencia a través de pequeños gestos, movimientos y microexpresiones. Aquí hay algunos ejemplos de animatics, en las que podrás ver cómo se ha utilizado esta técnica. Programa una videollamada a través de Google Meet para hablar sobre tu proyecto. Explica, atrae, persuade y convence a tu cliente. ¡Aprueba tu idea a la primera! Precio por viñeta animada con After Effects: 200 € (sonido no incluido).
Preview and Test Your TV Ad with Animatics
Animatics are a very valuable tool in previsualization and testing of advertising spots and other audiovisual projects. By using After Effects to create a animation of a storyboard, we can clearly and effectively convey the creative concept. We focus on conveying an emotion or mood to the audience through small gestures, movements, and microexpressions. Here are some examples of animatics, in which you can see how this technique has been used. If you're interested in using animatics in your project, don't hesitate to schedule a Google Meet video call so we can discuss your ideas and needs. Together, we can find the best way to explain, attract, persuade, and convince your client. With a good animatic, you can approve your idea on the first try and save time and resources on the final production. Price per animated panel with After Effects: €200 (sound not included).
Davis Lisboa, "Yovis", 2024, Photoshop, Procreate, and After Effects, 1476x831
Davis Lisboa, "Dockers", 2017, pencil on paper, Photoshop and After Effects, 1476x831
Davis Lisboa, "Hotjar", 2022, Procreate, Photoshop and After Effects, 1476x831
Davis Lisboa, "Hotjar", 2022, Procreate, Photoshop and After Effects, 1476x831
Davis Lisboa, "Hotjar", 2022, Procreate, Photoshop and After Effects, 1476x831